Even though Tanzanian regulations, laws and policies promote gender equality and human rights, inequality still persists in Muleba district. Discriminatory cultural and traditional beliefs and customs as well as limited access to information lead to a gender gap in leadership positions, economic resources and participation in decision making in all spheres of life.
The solution was
The project was kicked off with a launch event that informed stakeholders on its objectives and approaches. Thereafter different channels were used for awareness raising. To reach out to men, football leagues were organized. In addition selected community representatives were trained on laws promoting women rights and gender equality. Together with paralegals the trained representatives then provided legal aid services.
Moreover some women and women leaders received training on governance and leadership skills. Members of newly established community social groups were financially supported and equipped with knowledge on income generation. Furthermore round table discussions with decision makers were conducted and a referral system to people who could assist in women justice was established.
visit MHOLA's website
Mama’s Hope Organization for Legal Assistance (MHOLA) works to improve women’s and children’s rights through legal aid, advocacy and psychosocial support for vulnerable groups. Founded in the small Tanzanian town of Bukoba, the organization set up a second location in the neighboring Muleba district. MHOLA gives women easy access to the court system and mediation.