Reverand Jane Ng’ang’a is an Ordained Clergy and holds a master’s degree in Community Development. She is currently supporting Ecumenical Pharmaceutical Network (EPN) as a Policy and Advocacy Advisor.
I was inspired by horizont3000's mission aimed at supporting people in partner countries, and helping them improve their quality of life sustainably and humanely. In addition, horizont3000’s principles emphasize respect, partnership, and a people-centered approach; giving me an opportunity to learn in a free environment as I contribute to the mission. The working environment also values dialogue, cooperation, and learning from others and enhances respectful collaboration. The opportunity presented a growth in my career path of policy and advocacy.
As a Policy Advocacy Advisor at the Ecumenical Pharmaceutical Network (EPN), I am eagerly anticipating several aspects of my assignment:
I have been working in the NGO sector for most of my employment life and I enjoy working in this sector, firstly the sense of fulfillment that comes from working in the sector is unparalleled. Knowing that your efforts directly impact lives and communities brings immense satisfaction and purpose to your work. In addition, NGOs frequently operate internationally, allowing diverse contexts of working including abroad. This includes deployments to remote and challenging locations that provide unique experiences and broaden ones horizons.
I have been learning a lot, especially because the areas of focus at EPN are different from the areas I was engaging in. Learning a lot around Pharmaceutical Systems Strengthening, supply chain and how to engage in advocacy around Substandard and Falsified medicines.
To support EPN in advocacy through a number of engagements:
EPN is a Christian non-profit organization comprising of members of healthcare providers and professionals. The majority of our members are Faith-Based Organizations (FBOs) that provide healthcare to communities in the most marginalized and remote areas where national government health services are limited.
Our network over time has grown to a total of 139 members in 38 countries: 31 Christian Health Associations (CHAs), 24 Health Systems Strengthening organizations, 19 Church Health Institutions (CHIs), 19 Drug Supply Organizations and 45 Individuals. More than 300 million people rely on health care provided by our network.
She has eight (10) years professional experience in Health Policy Advocacy, Congregational & Community Health Programming and comprehensive knowledge and experience in Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), Gender Justice, STI/HIV&AIDS maternal and child health issues, youth programming, and behavior change communication.