
Eva Da Costa Niquice: New on Deployment


About Eva

Eva has a background in Information Technology majoring in Information Management with a postgraduate in Knowledge Management and Artificial Intelligence. She has worked in different UN agencies, Red Cross and NGOs.

She has also worked for Ausaid, USAID and other government partner/entities in countries such as Portugal, Timor-Leste, Turkey, Iraq and Mozambique. She has over 10 years of experience across the field of Information Technology, Information Management and Coordination in general with different project/programs.

How did you first come into contact with horizont3000?

I saw an advertisement about a vacancy to work at horizont3000 and decided to approach them to know more about the organization.

What does a typical working day look like to you?

As I am still settling in, its hard to say how a typical day looks like at the moment but I can share that on a daily basis I will be in contact frequently with partners and all the advisors working with them. In addition to that, I am in constant communication with the colleagues in the office that have been helping me a lot to get my way around in the new job.

Are there any goals you have set yourself for your assignment?

Yes, there are short- and long-term goals. SHORT: I would like to establish a good or solid relationship with each colleague in the office as my success depend on them. LONG: I would also like to know all of our partners well enough to identify their unique needs and use the right approach as I don’t believe that one solution fits for all. In general, I would like to make a different in the way people look and think about knowledge management and make them understand that they also can make a change valuing knowledge management and using it everywhere (work, home, social, etc).

What do you like about working in the NGO sector?

With horizont3000 I am yet to find out but I believe it will not defer from previous experience which is, bringing change in a positive way in the lives of each beneficiary.

Aim of the Assignment

The aim of my assignment is to raise awareness of the importance of Knowledge Management in organizations and to ensure proper support is given according to each organizations needs. This will hopefully make the organization more independent on continuous support and share this knowledge with others in the future.

About the Partner Organisation

I don’t have a specific partner as I am considered as an advisor that supports all partners in Mozambique with their Knowledge Management needs.
As I am still getting to know each partner I can share what I have experienced so far. The contact I have had with most partners we have is that all of them have shown interest in learning more about KM and that makes the work even more rewarding because the doors are open for us to share the support we have. Some partners have guidelines on how to deal with KM but most of these guidelines are not necessarily structured but each partner is a different case with different and unique needs.

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